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Frequently asked questions

Why should a customer hire PC Dr Visit over another service provider?


At PC Dr Visit, we stand out with our commitment to quality and customer understanding. Our house call service ensures you receive the best technical advice, delivered clearly and understandably. We prioritize honesty and will always recommend the best solutions for you, even if it means no immediate business for us. With over a decade of experience and academic training, our team is well-equipped to handle your technology needs effectively and efficiently.


What experience, skills, qualifications, or training do you have to make you the right person for the job?


Since 2007, PC Dr Visit has steadily grown by helping people navigate technological challenges. We believe in technology as a tool to enhance your life, and our mission is to simplify its usage for you. Our team's extensive experience and academic training from respected institutions ensure you receive top-notch services backed by confidence and expertise.


Is there a particular aspect of your trade or industry that you specialize in?


We specialize in various areas, including Apple Computers, one-on-one Training, Windows, Microsoft, Networking, wireless, WiFi, Digital Video Services, Data Recovery, and Refurbishment. We offer comprehensive services that cater to your needs.


How do you usually charge for your service?


Our pricing structure is simple. The first hour of on-site services costs $180.00, with subsequent hours charged at $120.00 each. We offer an initial check-up and quote service for portable devices at a flat fee of $180.00. We strive to provide fair and transparent pricing options to all our clients.


What makes your pricing competitive?


PC Dr Visit provides technical expertise and added value through our thorough explanations and transparent pricing. We prioritize your understanding and satisfaction over watching the clock, ensuring you get the most out of our services.


How can a customer save money before you start work? Please give three tips.


We offer a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation to discuss your concerns and queries about our services. To streamline the process, provide detailed information about the issue with your computer. Don't hesitate to ask questions—your clarity benefits both of us.


What specific things do you need to know before you can provide a quote to a customer?


To provide an accurate quote, we'll need information such as the model number, brand, operating system, processor type, and year of manufacture. Additionally, details like whether it's a laptop or desktop and serial numbers for MacBooks and iMacs are essential for precise estimates.


What makes you the most reliable and trustworthy person for the job?


At PC Dr Visit, reliability, punctuality, courtesy, and honesty are our cornerstones. We go the extra mile to ensure your satisfaction and provide solutions that align with your budget and needs.


What questions do customers commonly ask, and how would you answer them?


  • How do you charge? We offer an hourly rate for site visits/repairs and outcome-based fees for services like Data recovery and OS rebuilds. Our goal is to provide exceptional value for your investment. Contact us to discuss your specific needs.


  • Do you have a call-out fee? Our hourly rate includes one hour of service and advice upon arrival, so there's no separate call-out fee.


  • Do you have a fixed no-charge policy? Absolutely. There's no charge if we can't offer a solution or options. However, a fee might be associated if we provide solutions and you decide to go elsewhere.


What do you like most about your job?


We find immense satisfaction in helping people conquer their technology challenges. Our passion for technology and belief that it should simplify your life drives us to provide the best solutions tailored to your needs.


Do you have a favourite customer story you would like to share?


One memorable experience was helping a friend who excelled in another field but struggled with technology. By collaborating, we both alleviated each other's challenges. It's heartening to see how technology can transform lives and build connections.


Feel free to use this improved version for your frequently asked questions section. It reflects your customer-centred approach and expertise in the technology industry.

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